Imagine a store where you belong. . .

Autism Community Store
14095 E. Exposition Ave.
Aurora, CO 80012
Store Hours:
Mon-Sat 10-5
Tips as you leave the Psychiatric Emergency Department – Colorado Community Resources
Care & Resource Navigation
Colorado Respite Coalition: Respite Directory; (303-233-1666)
Community Centered Board (CCB): Local Services
Coping Skills & Self-Care: Tips for Parents
Difficult Behavior Tips: Tips for Parents
HCP, a Program for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs: Care Coordination
PEAK Parent Center: Parent Resource Center
Thrive Center: Community Resource Center
Insurance, Diagnosis, Medication
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Information for families
Child Mind Institute: Evaluation and Treatment
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Information for families
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Medication information for families
State Services & Supports
Denver START: Crisis intervention for Denver County residents ages 6 yr. and older with I/DD and mental health needs
COACT Colorado: Wraparound case management services; initiative of the CO Behavioral Health Administration
Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act (CYMHTA): Assists families access mental health treatment services for children/youth
Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP): Services for children/youth with I/DD and very high needs which put them at risk or in need of out-of-home placement
Community Behavioral Health Services/CO Dept. of Human Services: Community & behavioral programs for children/youth & families
Pediatric Behavioral Therapies/CO Department of Policy & Financing (HCPF/CO Medicaid EPSDT): Pediatric behavioral therapies providers
- Pediatric Behavioral Therapies | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
- Pediatric Behavioral Therapies Provider List | Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
School Supports
Child Mind Institute: Information for families
CO Department of Education (CDE): Special Education & Mental Health services for students
Sibling Resources
Sibling Support Project: Resources for siblings of people with disabilities
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Free and confidential support for people in distress; prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones (Call 988)
Second Wind Fund Treatment Center: Breaks down financial and transportation barriers for accessing mental health treatment services for children and youth at risk for suicide (303-988-2645)
Support Groups
Parent to Parent of CO (P2P): Connects parents to other parents of children with disabilities; provides emotional and informational support; offers a bi-weekly virtual support groups
- Parent to Parent of Colorado (
- Empower Colorado Support Facebook group
El Grupo VIDA: Hispanic/Latino parents’ network for people with disabilities
Family Partners: Parents of children with mental illness & high behavioral needs
The Living Spectrum: Provides support services in Colorado to families of a child with autism spectrum disorder
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness): Support for families with loved ones with mental illness (303-321-3104)
24-Hour Crisis Supports
Colorado Crisis Services (24/7 availability): Statewide behavioral health crisis response system offering mental health, substance use, or emotional crisis help, information and referrals
- Home | Colorado Crisis Services
- Call 1-844-493-8255 or Text “TALK” to 38255
- Immediate crisis support for any mental health concern
- Mobile crisis unit for in-home mental health evaluation
- Walk-in centers for evaluation, resource information & referrals
- Crisis Stabilization Unit for mental health crisis stays (1–3 days) while developing a treatment plan
Support Team Assist Response (STAR): Emergency mental health or substance crisis response team in Denver County only.
To deploy, call:
- 911
- Non-emergency number line Denver County only: 720-913-STAR (7828)
- Non-emergency line: 720-913-2000
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) HelpLine:
- NAMI HelpLine – NAMI Colorado
- Text NAMI to 741-741: 24/7 Free crisis support via text message
- Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or (available: Mon-Fri, 8 am–8 pm MT)
Police and Emergency Services: Use as a last resort
- Call 911
- Request a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) officer to respond
- Explain that the individual may not be able to respond to police direction due to the individual's condition