Our Location
Colorado Resources
Colorado Autism Resources
ABA Therapy
Breakthrough Interventions - Denver
Breakthrough Interventions' mission is to enrich the lives of children by providing academic, behavioral, cognitive and social support so that each child will be: integrated into general educational classrooms, able to develop friendships with peers, productive, independent individuals. The multi-dimensional therapeutic program is based on the foundations of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy and the Floortime Approach. http://btinterventions.com/home/
Chatterpillars Autism Center - Aurora & Lakewood
Creative Perspectives - Englewood & Lafayette
The Behavioral Growing Tree - Denver
Trumpet Behavioral Health - Denver, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs
Trumpet Behavioral Health Colorado (TBH) specializes in the treatment of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other intellectual disabilities. They provide Applied Behavior Analytic treatment (ABA), consulting, education, and training for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. In-home and center-based services available. http://www.tbh.com/locations/denver/
ARC of Colorado
The Arc provides individual advocacy services for children, adults and families. Individual advocacy can include:
- Assistance to families for attaining legally required early intervention and public education services
- Help with development and implementation of Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
- Helping families resolve conflicts with early intervention service providers and school district staff
- Assistance for adults with developmental and implementation of legally required Individual Plans through the Colorado single entry points (Community Centered Boards and service providers)
- Conflict resolution between individuals of families to address service delivery issues
- Help for families to apply for and access Social Security benefits, Medicaid, HCBS Medicaid Waiver services, and other publicly funded benefits including employments related benefits
- Assistance to individuals and families with Medicaid appeals, service level designations, and fundamental Plan re-evaluation
- Information and referral for individuals on wait lists for developmental disability services
- Guidance for individuals and families involved in the Criminal Justice on Corrections system
Some chapters provide guardianship services and act as Authorized Representatives for people who need such assistance. http://www.thearcofco.org/
Family Voices Colorado
Family Voices Colorado is a chapter of the national, grassroots organization composed of families and friends who care for and about our children with special health care needs. http://www.familyvoicesco.org/
Mental Health/Family Support
Claire Dumke, Psy.D., PC, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Licensed Clinical Psychologists specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders. We provide individual and family support for issues related to behavior, social-communication, social problem solving, daily living skills, life transitions and independence. We have experience with individuals of all ages. We also conduct diagnostic evaluations and eligibility testing (IQ and adaptive skills). http://www.autismdiagnostic.com/
Lauren H. Kerstein LCSW, P.C.
The practice of Lauren Kerstein specializes in providing support to individuals on the autism spectrum, as well as individuals through the lifespan struggling with depression, anxiety, mood disorders, behavioral challenges, mental health issues, divorce and other adjustment issues, relationship skill difficulties and executive function concerns.http://laurenkerstein.com/
Occupational Therapy
Developmental FX
STAR Center
Sensory Pathways 4 Kids
Unique Prints
Alpine - Co. Springs
Firefly Autism - Denver
Joshua School - Denver & Boulder
Support Groups
Moms on the Spectrum